Carré blanc carré noir – Forme e teorie dell'architettura

  • Open Access Series

This series hosts monographs and volumes dedicated to architectural design and its physical and metaphysical relationship with space and territory.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the series editor,

All books published in the series undergo peer review.

The series fully supports Open Access publishing as an ideal tool for sharing ideas and knowledge in every research field with an open, collaborative and non-profit approach. Open Access books allow the research community to achieve a high research impact as well as rapid dissemination in any editorial form.

 Peer Reviewed

  High-Quality Scholarly Publishing

Maria Grazia Eccheli
  • University of Florence, Italy
Scientific Board member
Fabrizio Franco Vittorio Arrigoni
  • University of Florence, Italy
Agostino De Rosa
  • University of Venice Iuav, Italy
Emanuele Lago
  • University of Florence, Italy
Hilde Léon
  • Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Silvia Malcovati
  • University of Potsdam, Germany
Eleonora Mantese
  • University of Venice Iuav, Italy
Alberto Pireddu
  • University of Florence, Italy
Alessandra Ponte
  • University of Montréal, Canada
Books in this Series
  • Edited Book

Il progetto nei borghi abbandonati

Edited by   Maria Grazia Eccheli, Claudia Cavallo

Copyright year: 2022

  • Monograph

Lezione di sguardi. Edoardo Detti fotografo

Caterina Lisini

Copyright year: 2017

  • Monograph

Sedad Hakki Eldem. An aristocratic architect and more

Serena Acciai

Copyright year: 2018

  • Monograph

In limine

Between Earth and Architecture

Alberto Pireddu

Copyright year: 2017

  • Edited Book

Oltre l’Apocalisse

Arte, Architettura, Abbandono

Edited by   Maria Grazia Eccheli, Alberto Pireddu

Copyright year: 2016

  • Monograph

Tradizione, traduzione, tradimento in Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach

Gundula Rakowitz

Copyright year: 2016

  • Edited Book

Progetto di un’architettura istorica. Entwurff einer Historischen Architectur

Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach Edited by   Gundula Rakowitz

Copyright year: 2016

  • Monograph

The Solitude of Places

Journeys and Architecture on the Edges

Alberto Pireddu

Copyright year: 2016

  • Edited Book

House and Site

Rudofsky, Lewerentz, Zanuso, Sert, Rainer

Edited by   Eleonora Mantese

Copyright year: 2014

  • Monograph

In abstracto

Sull'architettura di Giuseppe Terragni

Alberto Pireddu

Copyright year: 2013

The Board in Numbers



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Edited Books


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