Processi, soggetti, poteri. Laboratorio di critica politica

  • Open Access Series
  •  Peer Reviewed

The series includes monographs and edited volumes offering critical analyses of the contemporary social and political context, without retreating into a form of abstract normativism which is indifferent to genuine transformation possibilities. Processi, soggetti, poteri aims at promoting interdisciplinary dialogue and contamination between different theoretical approaches and paradigms, in the awareness that philosophy is not “self-sufficient” and that the understanding of social and political phenomena requires a close collaboration between all the disciplines and branches of knowledge involved.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the series editor,

All books published in the series undergo peer review.

The series fully supports Open Access publishing as an ideal tool for sharing ideas and knowledge in every research field with an open, collaborative and non-profit approach. Open Access books allow the research community to achieve a high research impact as well as rapid dissemination in any editorial form

 Scientific Board

 Just Accepted for Books policy

 High-Quality Scholarly Publishing

  • Just Accepted for Books

Pensare la critica tra Marx e Francoforte

  • Stefano Petrucciani

Accepted on March 2023

  • Just Accepted for Books

Per una cartografia critica

  • Laura Bazzicalupo

Accepted on March 2023

  • Just Accepted for Books

Su critica, politica e l’essere comune del desiderio

  • Alessandro Arienzo

Accepted on February 2023

  • Just Accepted for Books

Critica & politica. Su impoliticità e politicità della critica

  • Sandro Chignola

Accepted on February 2023

  • Just Accepted for Books

Dominio e uguaglianza. Sulla critica della riproduzione sociale

  • Maurizio Ricciardi

Accepted on February 2023

  • Just Accepted for Books

Politiche della logistica: un percorso di ricerca sul globale

  • Giorgio Grappi

Accepted on December 2022

  • Just Accepted for Books

Divenire soggetti. Arendt, Rancière, Balibar

  • Ilaria Possenti

Accepted on December 2022

  • Just Accepted for Books

Poteri e soggettività

  • Virginio Marzocchi

Accepted on November 2022

  • Just Accepted for Books

Crisi della democrazia liberale e prospettive del pensiero critico

  • Massimo De Carolis

Accepted on October 2022

  • Just Accepted for Books

Femminismi in questione. Genere e intersezionalità

  • Anna Loretoni

Accepted on October 2022

  • Just Accepted for Books

Linee di genere classe e razza: introduzione ad una riflessione critica

  • Laura Bazzicalupo

Accepted on September 2022

  • Just Accepted for Books

Lo statuto della classe fra critica dell'economia politica e politica

  • Luca Basso

Accepted on September 2022

  • Just Accepted for Books

Soggettivazioni e strategie identitarie

  • Sandro Luce

Accepted on September 2022

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