Louis Gyoh

  • Affiliation: University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
  • Email: L.Gyoh@wlv.ac.uk

 FUP Scientific Cloud in Numbers

    • Book Chapter

    A Systematic Review of the Impacts of Digitalization on Project Management

    • Ailin Zerafat, Emmanuel Daniel, Louis Gyoh

    Contained in: Proceedings e report

    • Book Chapter

    The Impacts of Digital Fabrication on the Construction Industry: A Systematic Review

    • Mehdi Keshtkar, Emmanuel Daniel, Louis Gyoh

    Contained in: Proceedings e report

    • Book Chapter

    Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) for Energy Efficiency in Buildings: A Bibliometric Review.

    • Nnaemeka Nwankwo, Ezekiel Chinyio, Emmanuel Daniel, Louis Gyoh

    Contained in: Proceedings e report