Peer Review

Peer-review is the cornerstone of the scientific evaluation of a book. All FUP’s publications undergo a peer-review process by external experts under the responsibility of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committees of each series. In order to strengthen the network of researchers supporting FUP’s evaluation process, and to recognise the valuable contribution of referees, a Referee List is published and constantly updated on FUP’s website.

Publishing proposals (Submissions Policy) are submitted to the FUP Editorial Board through the Director, who is responsible for a preliminary editorial, technical and economic assessment. The Editorial Board consists of scholars from different fields, from humanities and social sciences to natural, technical, and biomedical sciences. The Board's task is to evaluate, through an external peer-review process, the publication proposal, and then accept it, reject it, or ask for a revision. If revision of the work is required, the Board then checks whether the author has made the necessary changes. In the event of non-compliance with the requirements, the work is resubmitted to the Editorial Board for final evaluation.

New proposals may be submitted by the author or by scientific committees that are already publishing a series in FUP’s catalogue.

  • Author’s proposals are evaluated by at least two reviewers through a single-blind peer-review process.
  • Scientific Committees’ proposals should be accompanied by the report of two experts, where at least one of them is external to the proposing Committee and to the University to which the author and series editor belong. 

It is up to the FUP Editorial Board, however, to make the final decision on the publication of the work. Each proposal is subject to the approval of the FUP Editorial Board; by way of exception, some works of a special nature may not be subject to an external refereeing process.

The names of the members of the FUP Editorial Board, as well as the Chairperson of the Editorial Board and the members of the Scientific Committees of FUP’s series, can be found in the online catalogue and on each book. 

Referee List

FUP values the intellectual work of its referees by regularly updating its online database. The Referee List published on FUP’s website contains the names of all the referees who contributed to the works published in the last five years. 

Referee List

Code of Ethics

Published books are approved by the Editorial Board in accordance with high scientific and ethical standards, applied at all stages of the process and inspired by the best practices in scholarly publishing. FUP is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical behaviour at every stage of the publishing process. To this end, it complies with the best practice guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Code of Ethics