This book analyses the formation and dynamics of political landscapes in the early Middle Ages. The aim is to check how political action shaped these landscapes through the study of settlements and burials, “central places” (churches, castles, buildings) and territories. A noteworthy feature was the emergence of new patterns, often linked to the growing autonomy of local societies. The concept of “micropolitics” provides a better understanding of the wide range of situations determined by the initiative of local notables and communities, embedded in overarching powers. The framework of the study is north-western Iberia, including the comparison to other regions of Southern Europe.
University of Salamanca, Spain - ORCID: 0000-0002-1720-0821
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Domus uel curtis. Residencia campesina, propiedad y explotación agraria en la Hispania visigodapp.7-31
Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo
Prácticas sociales y ejercicio del poder en las localidades. Las residencias de las élites rurales en la Castilla altomedievalpp.33-56
Iñaki Martín Viso
Constructing Territoriality “From Below”: Collective Action, Micropolitics, and Landscape in the Duero Plateau (Tenth–Eleventh centuries)pp.57-79
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The Formation of Medieval Territories in Mountain areas. A perspective from archaeology and written records at Caramulo (Lafões, central-northern Portugal)pp.107-130
Pablo Poveda Arias
Iglesias rurales y presbíteros en la articulación política y religiosa de la Hispania visigodapp.131-149
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Iglesias locales, comunidades y diferenciación social en León en la Alta Edad Media (siglo X)pp.151-169
José Carlos Sánchez Pardo, Laura Blanco Torrejón, Marcos Fernández Ferreiro
Sepulcros, iglesias y construcción de paisajes políticos en la Galicia de los siglos IX-XIpp.171-198
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Under the Shadow of a Central Place: Defining the Landscape with Fortified Places and Their Memory in the Written Sources of the Kingdom of Leónpp.199-223
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Mills and the politics of water management in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula, 900-1050pp.225-247
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Paesaggi di resistenza nell’Italia carolingia. Spazi della solidarietà e luoghi della giustizia nei ‘processi di libertà’pp.249-268
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Poteri, risorse, paesaggi tra la costa tirrenica e l’interno (IX-XI secolo)pp.269-291
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Igor Santos Salazar
Constructing territories, deconstructing the landscape: a conclusionpp.321-325
Book Title
Political landscapes in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages: the Iberian Northwest in the Context of Southern Europe
Iñaki Martín Viso
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
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eISBN (pdf)
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Series Title
Reti Medievali E-Book
Series ISSN
Series E-ISSN