Coastal dune systems have been significantly altered due to erosion from environmental and human factors, and nature-based solutions have become important in restoring these ecosystems in the face of climate change. The el Cortal de la Devesa beach (Gulf of Roses, NE Spain) has been the focus of such nature-based solutions with the installation of sand fences. Two campsites along this beach have implemented contrasting integration strategies over time. The Northern campsite has defined its boundaries and regulated beach access, while the Southern campsite did not. This study aimed to develop high-resolution (10 cm) digital elevation models to quantify changes in sediment retention and dune height both pre and post construction of the fences, to assess differences between the campsites. Results indicated the Northern site had higher overall values in average height, maximum height and volume of sand dunes than in the Southern site. Also, a porosity of 50-60% proved 85% efficient in this context. This study contributes objective data that highlights the potential role that tourist-recreational sites play along coastlines in climate change resilience.
University of Girona, Spain - ORCID: 0000-0002-5071-1009
University of Girona, Spain - ORCID: 0000-0002-2927-326X
University of Girona, Spain - ORCID: 0000-0001-9233-4005
University of Girona, Spain - ORCID: 0000-0002-5693-393X
University of Girona, Spain - ORCID: 0000-0003-4189-5878
University of Girona, Spain
University of Girona, Spain - ORCID: 0000-0002-9777-0938
Chapter Title
Evaluating the impact of sand fences on foredune recovery in Sant Pere Pescador beach (Costa Brava, Spain)
Carla Garcia-Lozano, Warren Meredith, Maria Marta Tonda, Josep Pintó, Carolina Martí-Llambrich, Ventura Campillo, Francesc Xavier Roig-Munar
Peer Reviewed
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© 2024 Author(s)
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Book Title
Tenth International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques"
Book Subtitle
Livorno (Italy) 11th-13th June 2024
Laura Bonora, Marcantonio Catelani, Matteo De Vincenzi, Giorgio Matteucci
Peer Reviewed
Publication Year
Copyright Information
© 2024 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (xml)
Series Title
Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques
Series E-ISSN