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Book Chapter

Machine learning for sustainable land management: A focus on Italy

  • Matteo Dalle Vaglie
  • Federico Martellozzo

Soil salinization poses a multifaceted challenge demanding a comprehensive approach combining environmental science, machine learning, geography, and socio- economic analysis. Our study integrates these disciplines to unravel the complexities of soil salinization and devise effective mitigation strategies. We ground our investigation in understanding the geological and climatic fundamentals governing soil properties and processes, with a focus on the Mediterranean coastal areas. By harnessing the power of machine learning, we navigate the high-dimensionality and non-linearity of soil salinization, incorporating a comprehensive set of variables spanning geological, climatic, human activity, and socio-economic dimensions. Our models, trained on extensive datasets, are robust and capable of capturing intricate patterns associated with soil salinization. The Mediterranean coastal areas, with their unique ecological, climatic, and anthropogenic interactions, serve as a valuable case study for exploring the dynamics of soil salinization. Our approach integrates data on historical geological changes with current climatic and anthropogenic variables, creating a comprehensive model that encapsulates the temporal and spatial dimensions of soil salinization. This study aims to contribute meaningfully to global efforts in sustainable land management and environmental preservation.

  • Keywords:
  • salinization,
  • land monitoring,
  • remote sensing,
  • soil management,
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Matteo Dalle Vaglie

University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0009-0006-5323-5577

Federico Martellozzo

University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3142-2543

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  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Pages: 707-718

  • Publication Year: 2024

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Machine learning for sustainable land management: A focus on Italy


Matteo Dalle Vaglie, Federico Martellozzo





Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2024 Author(s)

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CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Tenth International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques"

Book Subtitle

Livorno (Italy) 11th-13th June 2024


Laura Bonora, Marcantonio Catelani, Matteo De Vincenzi, Giorgio Matteucci

Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2024 Author(s)

Content License


Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



eISBN (pdf)


eISBN (xml)


Series Title

Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques

Series E-ISSN






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