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Book Chapter

Monitoring the phenomenon of seawater intrusion in the estuary area of the river Magra and in the alluvial plain of the lower Val di Magra (SP)

  • Marco Sabattini
  • Francesco Ronchetti
  • Diego Arosio
  • Gianpiero Brozzo
  • Andrea Panzani

Seawater Intrusion (SI) is a critical problem as a consequence of climate change. The progression of the salt wedge inland compromises the quality and quantity of groundwater, seriously damaging agriculture and gradually desertifying the territory. The alluvial aquifer of the Lower Val Magra (LVM) is one of the most important in Liguria (Italy). It supplies drinking water to the city of La Spezia. The main objective of this research is to determine the severity of the SI phenomenon in the LVM aquifer and in the River Magra estuary. Data from different databases (ACAM, Aral, Ispra) and new original data were used for this purpose. The analytical methods focused on multivariate statistics (HAC, PCA and PLS). It was found that the migration pattern of SI along the estuary is mainly controlled by river discharge and wind speed. The weir in Romito (8.5 km from the sea coast) is the current limit of the SI in the R. Magra. About the groundwater, the most salinized wells are concentrated in the Marinella plain. For the other part of the LVM, aquifer water quality is good, but will be deteriorate in the next years as a consequence of climate change.

  • Keywords:
  • Seawater,
  • Groundwater,
  • Isotopes,
  • Estuary,
  • Monitoring,
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Marco Sabattini

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy - ORCID: 0009-0001-5294-6741

Francesco Ronchetti

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3547-851X

Diego Arosio

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-8761-3488

Gianpiero Brozzo

ACAM acque S.p.A., Italy

Andrea Panzani

Alfa Solutions S.p.A., Italy

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  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Pages: 999-1010

  • Publication Year: 2024

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Monitoring the phenomenon of seawater intrusion in the estuary area of the river Magra and in the alluvial plain of the lower Val di Magra (SP)


Marco Sabattini, Francesco Ronchetti, Diego Arosio, Gianpiero Brozzo, Andrea Panzani





Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2024 Author(s)

Content License


Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Tenth International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques"

Book Subtitle

Livorno (Italy) 11th-13th June 2024


Laura Bonora, Marcantonio Catelani, Matteo De Vincenzi, Giorgio Matteucci

Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2024 Author(s)

Content License


Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



eISBN (pdf)


eISBN (xml)


Series Title

Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques

Series E-ISSN






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