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Remote sensing for reconstruction of ombrone river delta beach ridges

  • Irene Maria Mammì
  • Lorenzo Rossi

The study area is the Ombrone River delta (South of Tuscany, Italy), a wave dominated delta, formed during the last 2500 years. Beach ridges, a characteristic depositional landform of wave dominated delta, cross the entire coastal plain. They are associated with ancient shorelines, representing the result of river input and longshore transport variation. The aim of this study is combining different remote sensing data to obtain a very detailed mapping of all the beach ridges present in the area. Satellite images and aerial photos were used to discriminate beach ridges; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetric survey and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data were used also. A topographic survey was carried out as well to calibrate UAV imagery and to verify LiDAR data accuracy. This research showed how high resolution DTMs produced from Lidar and UAV, combined with other remote sensing data, could be a helpful tool for the reconstruction of ancient morphologies also in large areas like delta plains. A complete beach ridges mapping was produced to better understand the delta evolution also through the analysis of the different geometries of these morphologies.

  • Keywords:
  • Beach ridges,
  • river delta evolution,
  • remote sensing data,
  • satellite images,
  • LiDAR.,
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Irene Maria Mammì

ISIN – National Inspectorate for nuclear safety and radiation protection, Italy

Lorenzo Rossi

Geocoste, Italy

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  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Pages: 773-783

  • Publication Year: 2024

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Remote sensing for reconstruction of ombrone river delta beach ridges


Irene Maria Mammì, Lorenzo Rossi





Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2024 Author(s)

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CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Tenth International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques"

Book Subtitle

Livorno (Italy) 11th-13th June 2024


Laura Bonora, Marcantonio Catelani, Matteo De Vincenzi, Giorgio Matteucci

Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2024 Author(s)

Content License


Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



eISBN (pdf)


eISBN (xml)


Series Title

Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques

Series E-ISSN






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