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Zu slavisch-baltischen Konvergenzen (und ihr Fehlen) im Aspekt-Tempus-Bereich

  • Björn Wiemer

The article provides a survey of aspect-tense (AT) grams in (North) Slavic and Baltic, with some account of Finnic. More recently developed grams (bound morphology and constructions) are evaluated against a deeper diachronic and larger areal backdrop in order to assess the significance of contact as a factor contributing to convergence of Slavic and Baltic varieties in the AT domain. In fact, the amount of actually converging features related to grammatical oppositions in this area is quite small; these are: (i) Prominent parallels in the strict subject- vs. object-oriented division of perfects in Slavic (mainly Belarusian) rural varieties, which must have been supported by an ancient and very stable Baltic model. (ii) Suffixation patterns of stem derivation in Aukštaitian Lithuanian resembling Slavic secondary imperfectivisation. The reasons for a generally low level of mutual influence between Baltic and Slavic are subjected to some methodological discussion.

  • Keywords:
  • (North) Slavic,
  • Baltic,
  • language contact,
  • areal convergence,
  • aspect-tense grams,
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Björn Wiemer

University of Mainz Johannes Gutenberg, Germany - ORCID: 0000-0001-6466-2060

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  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Pages: 183-224

  • Publication Year: 2023

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Zu slavisch-baltischen Konvergenzen (und ihr Fehlen) im Aspekt-Tempus-Bereich


Björn Wiemer





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Bibliographic Information

Book Title

L’aspettualità nel contatto linguistico: lingue slave e oltre

Book Subtitle

Resistenza, ristrutturazione ed innovazione dell’aspetto verbale e della sua periferia sotto l’influsso di varietà alloglotte. Atti del 3º Convegno Internazionale Costanza/Hegne, 16-20 giugno 2019


Walter Breu, Malinka Pila

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© 2023 Author(s)

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CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



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Series Title

Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici

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Open Access Books

in the Catalogue


Book Chapters





from 1047 Research Institutions

of 66 Nations


scientific boards

from 368 Research Institutions

of 43 Nations



from 393 Research Institutions

of 38 Nations