Book Chapter

Poggio Bracciolini, an Inscription in Terranuova, and the Monument to Carlo Marsuppini: A Theory

  • Paul Shaw

The strangest Renaissance inscription is the dedication plaque of Poggio Bracciolini in the church of S. Maria in Terranuova Bracciolini. Over the course of eighteen lines, its letters morph from Florentine sans serif capitals to Imperial Roman capitals. The author theorizes that the gradual change was the result of Poggio Bracciolini coaching an untutored lettercutter in the subtle differences between the two styles of letters. Furthermore, there is a visual link between the letters of the Terranuova inscription and those of the inscription on the monument to Carlo Marsuppini in S. Croce that suggests Poggio played a role in its design.

  • Keywords:
  • Poggio Braccioini,
  • Carlo Marsuppini,
  • Leonardo Bruni,
  • Renaissance inscriptional lettering,
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  3. Fubini R. 1966, Inscriptio in Privata Capella Ecclesiae S. Mariae in Terranova, in R. Fubini (ed.), Poggius Bracciolini, Opera Miscellanea Edita et Inedita, Bottega d’Erasmo, Torino, pp. 861-63.
  4. Golubew V. 1908, Die Skizzenbücher Jacopo Bellinis, vol. 2, G. Van Oest & Co., Brussels.
  5. Gray N. 1960, Sans Serif and Other Experimental Inscribed Lettering of the Early Renaissance, «Motif», 5.
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  7. Lazzari A. 1897, Ugolino e Michele Verino: Studii Biografici e Critici, Libreria Carlo Clausen, Torino.
  8. Martines L. 1963, The Social World of the Florentine Humanists 1390-1460, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  9. Meiss M. 1960, Towards a More Comprehensive Renaissance Paleography, «The Art Bulletin», XLII (2), pp. 97-112.
  10. Meyer S.K., Shaw P. 2008, Towards a New Understanding of the Revival of Roman Capitals and the Achievement of Andrea Bregno, in C. Crescentini and C. Strinati (eds.), Andrea Bregno: Il Senso della Forma nella Cultura Artistica del Rinascimento, Maschietto, Roma, pp. 276-331.
  11. Mozzati T. 2007, Desiderio’s Florence, in M. Bormand, B.P. Paolozzi Strozzi, N. Penny (eds.) 2007, Desiderio da Settignano: Sculptor of Renaissance Florence, 5 Continents Editions, National Gallery of Art and Musée du Louvre Editions, Milano, pp. 114-16.
  12. Pope-Hennessy J. 1996, Italian Renaissance Sculpture, Phaidon Press, London.
  13. Rorimer J. 1955-1956, A Reliquary Bust Made for Poggio Bracciolini, «Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art», 14, 246-51.
  14. Schulz A.M. 1992, Glosses on the Career of Desiderio da Settignano, in S. Bule, A.P. Darr, and F.S. Gioffredi (eds.), Verrocchio and Late Quattrocento Italian Sculpture, Le Lettere, Firenze, pp. 180-81.
  15. Sperling C.M. 1985, Artistic Lettering and the Progress of the Antique Revival in the Quattrocento, PhD dissertation, Brown University.
  16. Ullman B.L. 1960, The Origin and Development of Humanistic Script, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma.
  17. Walser E. 1974, Poggius Florentinus: Leben und Werke, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim.
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Pages: 149-162
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2020 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2020 Author(s)

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Poggio Bracciolini, an Inscription in Terranuova, and the Monument to Carlo Marsuppini: A Theory


Paul Shaw





Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2020 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Poggio Bracciolini and the Re(dis)covery of Antiquity: Textual and Material Traditions

Book Subtitle

Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College on April 8-9, 2016


Roberta Ricci

Peer Reviewed

Number of Pages


Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2020 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



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eISBN (pdf)


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