Contained in:
Book Chapter

The Land Cover/Use Code of the new Istat Census cartography

  • Stefano Mugnoli
  • Alberto Sabbi
  • Fabio Lipizzi

ISTAT census layers, realized by ISTAT since 1991, are in update; this kind of digital cartography divides the entire national territory in very small enumeration areas to which are linked all the variables gathered during the census surveys. This layer, thanks to the several pieces of information related to each enumeration area, has a huge value for the statistical description of the Italian situation also regarding land cover and land use themes. Therefore, to further enrich the information assets of the ISTAT cartography, Environment and Territory Service of the Institute aims to produce an implementation of the enumeration areas layer to homogenise them with regard their land cover and land use. In addition, this is achieved through a specific code (Cod_TIPO_S) that can be related to the European frame LUCAS (Land Use and Cover Area Survey) legend. LUCAS survey represents the official frame for the dissemination of land cover and use statistics at continental level. For our purpose a specific transcoding table has been created between COD_TIPO_S and LUCAS legend. New enumeration areas layer provides for 47 legend entries In this brief paper both the work carried out and some provisional results for some of the major Italian urban areas are illustrated. The activities are in progress and are based on GIS algorithm and Python scripts.

  • Keywords:
  • enumeration areas,
  • LUCAS survey,
  • land cover,
  • land use,
  • GIS,
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Stefano Mugnoli

ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy

Alberto Sabbi

ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3215-6400

Fabio Lipizzi

ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy

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  5. Mugnoli S., Chiocchini R., Cruciani S., Esposto A. and Lipizzi F. (2011). Integrazione di dataset geografici di copertura del Suolo e Censuari per la realizzazione di una mappa statistica sintetica. In: Proceedings of the XV National Conference ASITA 2011
  6. Lombardo G., Esposto A., Minguzzi R. and Mugnoli S. (2017). La CSS ISTAT un nuovo strumento per le statistiche territoriali. Geomedia, XXI, 2, pp. 26-30.
  7. Law M. and Collins A. (2018). Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop, fifth edition, Esri Press.
  8. Bolstad P., Manson S. (2019). GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems, Sixth Edition, XanEdu Publishing, Inc.
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  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Pages: 119-124
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2023 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2023 Author(s)

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

The Land Cover/Use Code of the new Istat Census cartography


Stefano Mugnoli, Alberto Sabbi, Fabio Lipizzi





Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2023 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

ASA 2022 Data-Driven Decision Making

Book Subtitle

Book of short papers


Enrico di Bella, Luigi Fabbris, Corrado Lagazio

Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2023 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press, Genova University Press



eISBN (pdf)


eISBN (xml)


Series Title

Proceedings e report

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