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Book Chapter

Enhancing Collaboration with Blockchain-Enabled Digital Twins: Perspectives from Stakeholders in the Built Environment

  • Nana Akua Adu-Amankwa
  • Farzad Pour Rahimian
  • Nashwan Dawood

This study explores the potential of Blockchain (BC)-enabled Digital Twins (DT) using qualitative semi-structured interviews to investigate the perception of stakeholders in the Architectural, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management (AEC-FM) industry on the relevance of BC-enabled DTs in augmenting stakeholder collaboration. The findings revealed that most interviewees perceived the potential of a BC-enabled DT in fostering stakeholder collaboration, leading to enhanced project delivery. Some participants viewed affordability drivers, whilst some highlighted the desire to fulfil client demands as influencing drivers for BC-enabled DT implementation in the AEC-FM industry. The study’s empirical findings align with evidence from other industrial sectors, proving that BC can ensure data integrity in a decentralised peer-to-peer framework, whilst DTs can leverage that data for effective and reliable decision-making. In the AEC-FM industry, these technologies are nascent; however, their potential integration could tackle critical issues regarding stakeholder collaboration and information fragmentation, leading to value generation in a decentralised and immutable manner. This study offers insights into implementation strategies for a BC-enabled DT collaborative environment and contributes to accelerating the industry’s approach to digital transformation

  • Keywords:
  • digital twins,
  • blockchain,
  • drivers,
  • collaboration,
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Nana Akua Adu-Amankwa

Teesside University, United Kingdom - ORCID: 0000-0002-9297-5934

Farzad Pour Rahimian

Teesside University, United Kingdom - ORCID: 0000-0001-7443-4723

Nashwan Dawood

Teesside University, United Kingdom - ORCID: 0000-0002-4873-7576

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  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Pages: 298-308

  • Publication Year: 2023

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Enhancing Collaboration with Blockchain-Enabled Digital Twins: Perspectives from Stakeholders in the Built Environment


Nana Akua Adu-Amankwa, Farzad Pour Rahimian, Nashwan Dawood



Peer Reviewed

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© 2023 Author(s)

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CC BY-NC 4.0

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CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

CONVR 2023 - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality

Book Subtitle

Managing the Digital Transformation of Construction Industry


Pietro Capone, Vito Getuli, Farzad Pour Rahimian, Nashwan Dawood, Alessandro Bruttini, Tommaso Sorbi

Peer Reviewed

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© 2023 Author(s)

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CC BY-NC 4.0

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CC0 1.0

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Firenze University Press



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