Edited Book

ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment

  • Edited by:
  • Paolo Nesi,
  • Raffaella Santucci,

It has been a long history of Information Technology innovations within the Cultural Heritage areas. The Performing arts has also been enforced with a number of new innovations which unveil a range of synergies and possibilities. Most of the technologies and innovations produced for digital libraries, media entertainment and education can be exploited in the field of performing arts, with adaptation and repurposing. Performing arts offer many interesting challenges and opportunities for research and innovations and exploitation of cutting edge research results from interdisciplinary areas. For these reasons, the ECLAP 2012 can be regarded as a continuation of past conferences such as AXMEDIS and WEDELMUSIC (both pressed by IEEE and FUP). ECLAP is an European Commission project to create a social network and media access service for performing arts institutions in Europe, to create the e-library of performing arts, exploiting innovative solutions coming from the ICT.

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Paolo Nesi

University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0003-1044-3107

Raffaella Santucci

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Paolo Nesi is full professor at the University of Florence, working at Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica (Computer Science Department) as: Vice-director, member of the Scientific Committe (Commissione Scientifica) for the Faculty of Engineering. Chair of the DISIT (Distributed Systems and Internet Technology) Lab, of the University of Florence. Since 2011, he is also a member of the scientific committee of CSAVRI of the University of Florence, and referent of the APRE Toscana for the University of Florence. He founded and is at present responsible of the DISIT research group and LAB working mainly on: software engineering, signal analysis (video and audio processing), protection models, models and media for digital content distribution, distributed architecture systems, formal methods and models, artificial vision, music recognition, artificial intelligence, cultural heritage, knowledge representation, semantic computing and models, digital rights management (DRM), CAS, automated formatting, component systems, multimedia middleware, distribution systems, GRID, P2P, mobile solutions, user profiling, etc. The work he has carried out in such different fields has been appreciated in different ways. P. Nesi is a member of IEEE, ACM, AIIA, ICPR.

Raffaella Santucci, PhD in Digital Technologies Applied to the Arts and Humanities at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", in the last few years, Raffaella has focused on the potential of new media technologies for the enhancement of research in the arts and humanities. She has been ICT Project Coordinator Assistant at the University of Florence, Senior Management Assistant at the Centro Teatro Ateneo and ICT Project Coordinator for the Faculty of Humanities at 'Sapienza', University of Rome. Raffaella is currently responsible for coordinating international projects related to the application of digital technologies to education and research at Sapienza, University of Rome on behalf of DGLab, Centre for Reaserch on Digital Arts and Humanities.
She is also Network Coordinator in the EU-funded project ECLAP, European Collected Library of Artistic Performance. She was Project Bamboo representative for Italy on behalf of University of California Berkeley and teaches a course at Middlebury College, (VT, USA).
Additional achievements include PhD scholarships won in both Europe (LaSapienza, Rome) and the United States (Brown Univesity, Rhode Island) and collaborations with prominent figures in the field of theatre, most notably Dario Fo and Bruce Myers.
  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Pages: 208

  • Publication Year: 2012

  • Publication Year: 2012
  • Pages: 208

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

ECLAP 2012 Conference on Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment


Paolo Nesi, Raffaella Santucci

Peer Reviewed

Number of Pages


Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2012 Author(s)

Content License


Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



ISBN Print


eISBN (pdf)


eISBN (xml)


Series Title

Proceedings e report

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