Social identity and territory. Il Montalbano presents a research work on the relationship between inhabitants and landscape in the Tuscan countryside. The collected material is divided into text, images and videos in a polyphonic representation of the territorial bases of the social identity of the Montalbano hill complex which extends between Florence, Empoli, Prato and Pistoia. The theme of local territorial identity is treated in its various articulations. The work analyses how the relationship between inhabitants and their territory is organised, taking into particular consideration the historical memory deposited in the documents and memories of the elderly, and then analysing the perception of the borders and places of reference that contribute to forming a clear and structured mental image of the vast area of Montalbano. It also examines the social actors who contribute to the making of the landscape: those who, to varying degrees, with daily actions and micro-actions, continually reproduce that complex territorial figure that arouses so much interest in those who live or simply pass through Montalbano.
Editorial combination: introductory booklet and CD-Rom
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0003-1108-4564
Book Title
Identità sociale e territorio
Book Subtitle
Il Montalbano
Leonardo Chiesi
Peer Reviewed
Publication Year
Copyright Information
© 2009 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
eISBN (xml)
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