
Quattro matrimoni e una biblioteca

Storia di una raccolta libraria e delle vite nascoste tra le sue pieghe
  • Giovanna Grifoni,

This historical research starts from the books of Ambrósio Fernández Merino and explores the figure of their owner, a mysterious Spanish lawyer who lived in Florence. The result is the discovery of a little-known intellectual and of a woman who was, on the contrary, very well-known and present in the social chronicles of her time: Marie Louise La Farge. A wealthy American of French origins, divorced and married four times, she lived in London, Paris, Rome and died in Florence in 1899. After her will gave rise to a legal battle that reignited public interest on her life, she fell into oblivion. Her story resurfaced from some ownership notes found on several books of Merino’s library, books owned by Louise’s ex-husbands. The library was given to the University of Florence by the La Farge’s heirs.

  • Keywords:
  • Merino Libray Collection,
  • Ambrósio Fernández Merino,
  • Marie Louise La Farge,
  • John La Farge,
  • George Lyndes Lorillard,
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Giovanna Grifoni

University of Florence, Italy

Giovanna Grifoni has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Florence. From 1987 to 2020 she worked in the Humanistic Library of the same University. For several years she has dealt with the historical collections of the library of the Faculty of Letters, publishing some contributions on the subject.
  1. Adams, Henry, John’s La Farge Discovery of Japanese Art, «The Art Bulletin», v. 67, n. 3, settembre 1985, pp. 449-485.
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  116. «St. Paul Daily Globe», 7 febbraio 1886, p. 4 (Remembered an employe).
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  118. «Suffolk County News», 28 febbraio 1974, p. 28 (Westbrook Farms Restoration).
  119. «The Daily Evening Telegraph-Philadelphia», 27 dicembre 1869, p.8 (Disaster at sea).
  120. «The Daily Saratogian», Saratoga Springs, NY, 10 marzo 1884 (Turfman Lorillard retires).
  121. «The Derby Mercury», 14 marzo 1894, p.7 (Daring highway robbery).
  122. «The Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette», 12 febbraio 1889, p. 8.
  123. «The Duluth Evening Herald», 26 agosto 1899, p.8 (Was La Farge’s daughter. Death of woman driven away by New York’s frown).
  124. «The Evening Telegraph (Philadelphia), 27 dicembre 1869, p. 8 (Disaster at sea).
  125. «The Evening Times», Washington, 8 luglio, p. 4 (Bequests of a countess).
  126. «The Friendship Weekly Register», 1899 (Our golden girls), Fulton History Newspapers.
  127. «The Graphic», 16 aprile 1892 (Death).
  128. «The Indianapolis Journal», 13 maggio 1887, p. 4 (About people and things).
  129. «The Italian Gazette and Florence Gazette», Firenze, Tip. Elzeviriana, 1 novembre 1898, p. 6 (English & American residens in Florence).
  130. «The Lake Wakatip Mail», 22 giugno 1894, p. 3 (Wide World).
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  132. «The Morning Post», 13 febbraio 1889, p. 7 (Arrangements for this day).
  133. «The Morning Post», 16 luglio 1890, p. 7 (Arrangements for this day).
  134. «The Morning Post», 22 luglio, 1890, p. 5 (Arrangements for this day).
  135. «The New York Herald», 12 febbraio 1889, p. 7 (Thrice married).
  136. «The New York Herald», 12 febbraio 1889, p. 7 (Casa de Agreda – Lorillard, A charming international wedding in delightful Devonshire).
  137. «The New York Herald», Paris, 9 marzo 1892, p. 3.
  138. «The New York Herald», Paris, 21 marzo 1894, p. 3 (A mistery unsolved).
  139. «The New York Herald», 5 dicembre 1895 (Deaths).
  140. «The New York Press», daily edition, 4 luglio 1899 (Countess De Agreda).
  141. «The New York Spirit of the times: the American gentleman’s Newspaper», 6 febbraio 1886, p. 50.
  142. «The New York Times», 5 maggio del 1879, p. 2 (Beauties won by titles).
  143. «The New York Times» 10 marzo 1884, p. 5 (George Lorillard to retire).
  144. «The New York Times», 5 febbraio 1886, p. 8 (George Lorillard’s death. His career as a yachtsman and on the turf).
  145. «The New York Times», 18 aprile 1886, p. 3 (Funeral of George L. Lorillard).
  146. «The New York Times», 6 agosto 1888, p. 5 (Personal intelligence).
  147. «The New York Times», 13 febbraio 1889, p. 8 (Mrs. Lorillard’s marriage).
  148. «The New York Times», 21 novembre 1890, p. 8 (For the Countess’s benefit).
  149. «The New York Times», 30 dicembre 1894, p. 19 (Dull week in society).
  150. «The New York Times», 3 luglio 1899, p. 7 (Death list of a day).
  151. «The New York Times», 14 luglio 1899, p. 7 (What is doing in society).
  152. «The New York Times», 8 settembre 1899, p. 7 (What is doing in society).
  153. «The New York Times», 6 marzo 1904, p. 25 (Gossip about clubmen).
  154. «The New York Times», 24 marzo 1933, p. 12 (Gifts to Charity in Wight Will).
  155. «The News Providence», 8 luglio 1899, p. 8 (Husband cut off. The Princess does not leave him a single penny).
  156. «The Oklahoma Leader», 5 agosto 1899, v. 14, n. 139, p. 3 (Story from Gotham. Interesting career of Countess De Guarda, now deceased), Oklahoma Historical Society <> (data ultimo accesso: 28/08/2023).
  157. «The Omaha Daily Bee», 18 agosto 1888, p. 1 (Retired from the turf).
  158. «The Portland daily press», 10 luglio 1899, p. 6 (For a title).
  159. «The Press Sunday Morning», 6 gennaio 1895 (In Society).
  160. «The Pulaski Citizen», 13 ottobre 1881, vol. 23, n. 41 (A Heaven for Horses).
  161. «The Richmond Dispatch», 25 aprile 1886, p. 2 (New York Letter).
  162. «The Salt Lake Herald» 10 luglio 1892, p. 2 (Track and paddock).
  163. «The Star», Guernsey, 6 marzo 1894 p. [1] (Brigandage near Rome).
  164. «The Troy Daily Times», 20 aprile 1893, p. 2 (Marrying American Cash).
  165. «The Washington Times», 12 febbraio 1900, p. 2 (A belle of the old time).
  166. «The Wellington Enterprise», 26 ottobre 1881, p. 2 (How Lorillard’s Horses are Cared for and Educated).
  167. «The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer», 24 marzo 1887, v. XXXV, n. 182 (Will race them in her own name).
  168. «The Whitstable Times», 10 marzo 1894, p. 2 (Brigandage in Italy).
  169. «The Wichita Daily Eagle», 4 agosto 1899, p. 2 (Countess De Agreda).
  170. «The World», New York, 12 febbraio 1889, p. 1 (Mrs. Lorillard a Countess The Wealthy Widow Married to the Count de casa de Agreda in England).
  171. «The World» New York, 30 luglio 1899 (Four romances in the life of an American Countess).
  172. Titled Americans. A list of American Ladies who have married foreigners of rank. Annually revised. Illustrated with armorial bearings, New York, Street & Smith Publisher, 1890 <> (data ultimo accesso: 28/08/2023).
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  182. Wood, ClarkeThomas, Émigrés in the Wilderness, New York, The Macmillan Company, 1941.
  183. Yarnall, James L., Adventures of a young antiquarian: John La Farge’s “Wanderjahr” in Europe, 1856-1857, «American Art Journal», v. 30, n. 1/2 (1999).
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  185. «Yellowstone Monitor», [volume] (Glendive, Dawson, Montana), 12 agosto 1909, v. 5, n.25, p. 2.
  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Pages: 194
  • eISBN: 979-12-215-0219-0
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2023 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2023
  • eISBN: 979-12-215-0220-6
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2023 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2023
  • eISBN: 979-12-215-0221-3
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2023 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2023
  • Pages: 194
  • ISBN: 979-12-215-0218-3
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2023 Author(s)

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Quattro matrimoni e una biblioteca

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Storia di una raccolta libraria e delle vite nascoste tra le sue pieghe


Giovanna Grifoni

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© 2023 Author(s)

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Firenze University Press



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Series Title

Fonti storiche e letterarie – Edizioni cartacee e digitali

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