The Labour Lawyer is asked, more and more often, to become conversant with the transformations taking place in society and with the impact on work of European regulatory proposals concerning due diligence, artificial intelligence and environmental protection. The growing dematerialization of enterprises and work is bound to increase the distortions and pitfalls of globalization, making it more difficult to identify both the techniques for managing new challenges and the systemic impact of digital transformation but also, with them, the risks of Algorethics at work. The survey thus leads us to reflect on criteria and parameters of environmental and, above all, digital sustainability in working contexts and, consequently, to reflect on the contours and characteristics of a new culture, but also of a new practice, of Corporate social responsibility throughout the digital transformation process.
University of Siena, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-0423-4686
Book Title
Responsabilità sociale d’impresa 2.0 e sostenibilità digitale
Book Subtitle
Una lettura giuslavoristica
Lara Lazzeroni
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
Copyright Information
© 2024 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press, USiena Press
ISBN Print
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (epub)
Series Title
UNIverSI. Ricerca e Didattica all’Università di Siena