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Куда бы тебя ни занесло…”. Connettivi concessivi o fraseologismi sintattici?

  • Paola Cotta Ramusino

This paper analyses the concessive connectives – like, for example, “Куда бы тебя ни занесло/где бы она ни была…” – introducing universal concessive conditional clauses from the point of view of Construction Grammar. The analysis aims to account for the lexical, morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic conditions to be realized in order to show the phrasematic nature of this group of conjunctions. In doing so we address also the role of the expletive negation in this construction, which is of crosslinguistic relevance.

  • Keywords:
  • Phrasematic Constructions,
  • Concessive Conjunctions,
  • Negative Polarity,
  • Expletive Negation,
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Paola Cotta Ramusino

University of Milan, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-5016-7568

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  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Pages: 107-119
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2018 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2018 Author(s)

Chapter Information

Chapter Title

Куда бы тебя ни занесло…”. Connettivi concessivi o fraseologismi sintattici?


Paola Cotta Ramusino





Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2018 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Contributi italiani al XVI Congresso Internazionale degli Slavisti

Book Subtitle

(Belgrado 20-27 agosto 2018)


Maria Chiara Ferro, Laura Salmon, Giorgio Ziffer

Peer Reviewed

Number of Pages


Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2018 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY 4.0

Metadata License

CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



ISBN Print


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eISBN (xml)


Series Title

Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici

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