The twenty-three essays of this volume represent the contributions of the Italian delegation to the 16th International Congress of Slavic Studies, which took place in Belgrade in August 2018. The essays, written in Italian, English, Russian and Serbian, are divided into three sections: linguistics, philology and Slavic literatures. Just as the range of the touched topics is very wide, so is their time span, going from the prehistoric and protohistoric eras to the present day. The covered topics extend from the Proto-Slavic language to the writing, linguistic and literary traditions of the Slavic ecclesiastical civilization, from the linguistic and cultural relations between Italy and Russia to a particular 18th-century Illyrian dictionary. In the field of synchronic linguistics, the essays include: a study of dialectology and sociolinguistics in the borderland between Ukraine and Belarus; the ways to express the concept of completeness in Russian; the study of some concessive constructs of the Russian language using the methods of “constructionist grammar”, a particular aspect of the Russian and Bulgarian verbal systems; and finally, the different suffixes used in the formation of the aspectual pairs in the Resian dialect. In the literary field, the essays topics range from Gumilev and Chlebnikov to literature and ecology; from Armenian writers who write in Russian to the neo-Latin poem “The bison’s song” and to the humanistic and Renaissance reflections in modern Ukrainian literature; from an Italian scholar of Serbian literature in the first half of the 20th century to the image of the “strong woman” in the Serbian literature of the same time. Therefore, thanks to their variety, these essays offer a very concrete idea of the several existing currents within the research in Slavic Studies in Italy.
University of Chieti-Pescara G. D'Annunzio, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-9949-6856
University of Genoa, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-2917-7630
University of Udine, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0003-4943-6334
Raffaele Caldarelli
Il protoslavo, l’etnogenesi slava e il contatto linguistico. Problemi e prospettive di ricercapp.13-21
Maria Chiara Ferro
Sl.eccl. pазумъ. Studi per un lexicon plurilingue dei termini religiosi e filosofico-teologicipp.23-36
Francesca Romoli
Sl.eccl. мудрость. Studi per un lexicon plurilingue dei termini religiosi e filosofico-teologicipp.37-50
Nataliya Kardanova
Верительная грамота Петра Первого в Светлейшую Республику в контексте российско-венецианских дипломатических отношенийpp.51-65
Salvatore Del Gaudio
Between Three Languages, Dialects and Forms of Mixed Speech: Dialect and Language Contacts in Ukrainian-Belarusian Transitional Areapp.79-93
Valentina Benigni
Le metafore di intensificazione in russo: la realizzazione linguistica del concetto di COMPLETEZZApp.95-106
Paola Cotta Ramusino
“Куда бы тебя ни занесло…”. Connettivi concessivi o fraseologismi sintattici?pp.107-119
Svetlana Slavkova
Выражение общефактического значения в прошедшем и в будущем времени в русском и болгарском языкахpp.121-137
Persida Lazarević Di Giacomo
I lemmi nel settore dell’onomastica nel Glossarium illyricum (GKS 2071 – 4°) di Ch.F. Temlerpp.139-152
Rosanna Benacchio
Суффиксация как средство образования видовых пар в резьянском диалекте: славянская и иноязычная лексикаpp.153-162
Alberto Alberti
Dal lezionario all’aprakos. La versione liturgica dei vangeli greci e la tradizione testuale slavapp.165-201
Alessandro Maria Bruni
The Old Serbian Version of the Antiochene Recension of Samuel-Kings: Some Preliminary Issues in Textual Criticismpp.203-214
Marco Scarpa
La recezione nella Russia del XVI secolo dei testi antilatini di Gregorio Palamas e Nilo Cabasilaspp.215-224
Barbara Lomagistro
Approccio scientifico e questioni di metodo nello studio delle scritture cirillichepp.225-248
Giulia Baselica
L’Italia, l’arte e la poesia nel Fra Beato Andželiko di Nikolaj Gumilëvpp.251-258
Gabriella Elina Imposti
Velimir Chlebnikov: dall’utopia neoslava a quella eurasiaticapp.259-277
Nadia Caprioglio
Покоренная природа. Коренное население и эксплуатация земли в советской и постсоветской России в романах Прощание с Матерой Валентина Распутина и Зона затопления Романа Сенчинаpp.279-288
Irina Marchesini
Literary Constellations. The Case of Armenian Authors Writing in Russian Todaypp.289-299
Larisa Poutsileva
Рецепция ренессансной поэмы Песня о зубре Николая Гусовского в Беларуси и проблемы её переводаpp.301-313
Giovanna Siedina
Echi dell’Umanesimo-Rinascimento nell’Ucraina della prima modernità. Note a marginepp.315-327
Ljiljana Banjanin
Una slavista italiana dimenticata. Umberta Griffini, traduttrice, mediatrice e scrittricepp.329-341
Book Title
Contributi italiani al XVI Congresso Internazionale degli Slavisti
Book Subtitle
(Belgrado 20-27 agosto 2018)
Maria Chiara Ferro, Laura Salmon, Giorgio Ziffer
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
Copyright Information
© 2018 Author(s)
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Metadata License
Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (xml)
Series Title
Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici
Series ISSN
Series E-ISSN