Submissions Policy

Information for Authors
Firenze University Press will gladly take publishing proposals into consideration. FUP publishes monographs, edited volumes, textbooks, critical editions of original works and scientific databases.
FUP is therefore willing to consider:

  • Scholarly monographs written for academics and researchers in the same field, based on original scholarly research and thus making a notable contribution to the research on the subject.
  • Edited volumes with a unifying focus and an introduction by the editors defining the scope of the whole collection.
  • Textbooks meant to be the main text of a university course, aimed at students with little knowledge of the subject.
  • Critical editions of original works based on well-documented and accurate comparative studies between manuscripts and printed texts.
  • Scientific databases and collections of data, generally accessed electronically from a computer system (web-based), in different research field.

Before submitting a proposal, authors can browse the lists of our book series and scientific boards for further information about the FUP publishing aims.

To submit a publishing proposal, the author should contact the commissioning editor. The commissioning editor, after an editorial, technical and economic evaluation, will send the proposal and the supporting materials to the FUP Editorial Board which manages the peer review process. Peer review is an important aspect of FUP’s evaluation process. Before any book can be accepted for publication by FUP, it is evaluated and approved by the FUP Editorial board after evaluation by external readers (Peer review Policy).

For more information see:

To submit a publishing proposal for series, monographs, edited volumes, textbooks, critical editions of original works and scientific databases, please contact the commissioning editor. Together with the manuscript of the book, please fill and send by email the following form:
Book Publishing Proposal 
Series Publishing Proposal

FUP Scientific Board will communicate its decisions on the publishing proposal within two months from the date of the submission.

Author Guidelines
Author can download the Guidelines to get the main information about preparing the book for publication.
Compliance with the Author Guidelines will contribute to speeding up the publication process and at the same time to containing the production costs.
For any further clarification or any special needs, authors are kindly requested to contact FUP editorial staff.
FUP Author Guidelines

Published by FUP
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