Comitato Unico di Garanzia

  • Open Access Series

The series contains the proceedings of conferences organised or sponsored by the University of Florence's Comitato Unico di Garanzia. Among the topics covered: organisational well-being, university careers, preventing workplace bullying and any form of discrimination.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the series editors, and

All books published in the series undergo peer review.

The series fully supports Open Access publishing as an ideal tool for sharing ideas and knowledge in every research field with an open, collaborative and non-profit approach. Open Access books allow the research community to achieve a high research impact as well as rapid dissemination in any editorial form.

 Scientific Board

 High-Quality Scholarly Publishing

Books in this Series
  • Edited Book

Diversamente scienza

Atti del convegno su genere e scienza, organizzato dalla Conferenza nazionale degli organismi di parità e dal CUG dell’Università di Firenze il 12 ottobre 2018

Edited by   Brunella Casalini, Patrizia Tomio

Copyright year: 2020

  • Edited Book

Il tempo per pensare

Un bene essenziale per la comunità universitaria

Edited by   Brunella Casalini, Silvia D'Addario

Copyright year: 2019

This Series in Numbers




Edited Books


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