In contrast to the debates of the past, which focused mainly on income inequality and the related elements of injustice, the recent interest in economic inequality focuses on its effects on economic growth and social development. New research is an important element of these recent debates: a historical approach that contextualizes inequality with reference to social relations, institutions, access to power and its cultural legitimacy can facilitate the understanding of the mechanisms that lead to inequality and its effects.
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1008-1153
Guido Alfani
Economic inequality in preindustrial Europe, 1300-1800: methods and results from the EINITE projectpp.21-36
Francesco Ammannati
La disuguaglianza economica in area marchigiana: uno studio di lungo periodo (1400-1800)pp.37-63
Matteo Di Tullio
Dinamiche della disuguaglianza economica nella Repubblica di Venezia: fonti e metodi d’indagine a partire dal caso padovanopp.65-81
Sergio Sardone
Ricchezza e proprietà in una città levantina: Bari tra Cinque e Settecentopp.83-113
Héctor García-Montero
Wealth inequality in Catalonia, 1400-1800. Sources, data and a case studypp.115-130
Katarzyna Wagner
Wealth inequalities in cities of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and their changes during the seventeenth century. Sources and methods of measurepp.131-144
Jordi Morelló Baget, Pere Orti Gost, Albert Reixach Sala, Pere Verdés Pijuan
A study of economic inequality in the light of fiscal sources: the case of Catalonia (14th-18th centuries)pp.145-167
Antoni Furió, Pau Viciano, Luis Almenar Fernández, Lledó Ruiz Domingo, Guillem Chismol
Measuring economic inequality in Southern Europe: the Iberian Peninsula in the 14th-17th centuriespp.169-201
Thijs Lambrecht, Wouter Ryckbosch
Economic inequality in the rural Southern Low Countries during the Fifteenth century: sources, data and reflectionpp.205-229
Claudio Lorenzini
Montagne diseguali? Il ruolo regolatore delle risorse collettive nella montagna friulana, secoli XVII-XVIIIpp.231-253
Esteban Nicolini, Fernando Ramos-Palencia
Inequality in Early Modern Spain: New evidence from the Ensenada Cadastre in Castile, c. 1750pp.255-273
Davide Cristoferi
“I nostri contadini solevano istare molto meglio per lo addrieto che ora”: mezzadria, proprietà cittadina e disuguaglianza economica in Toscana, sec. XV-XVIpp.275-299
Isabelle Devos, Thijs Lambrecht, Anne Winter
Welfare and demography in the time of Malthus. Regional and local variations in poor relief and population developments in Flanders, c. 1750-1810pp.327-350
Pinar Ceylan
Regional variation in the distribution of property rights over land in sixteenth-century Ottoman rural Manisapp.351-368
Arie Van Steensel
Measuring urban inequalities. Spatial patterns of service access in sixteenth-century Leidenpp.369-388
Stef Espeel, Sam Geens
Feeding inequalities: the role of economic inequalities and the urban market in late medieval food security. The case of fourteenth-century Ghentpp.389-428
Book Title
Disuguaglianza economica nelle società preindustriali: cause ed effetti / Economic inequality in pre-industrial societies: causes and effect
Giampiero Nigro
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
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© 2020 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
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Series Title
Datini Studies in Economic History
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