Edited Book


dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli» 14
  • Edited by:
  • Simona Russo,

Volume 14 of the Comunicazioni dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli» is divided into three sections: 1. Editions and rieditions of texts; 2. Critical notes; 3. Chronique de lexicographie papyrologique de la vie matérielle. The first section includes the editio princeps of a papyrus of the Cambridge collection, and the new edition of two texts kept in Leipzig and Vienna. The second section includes a paper on a fragment of Archilochos, and another one on the festal letters. The third section, as in the previous volumes, concerns the international research project Contextes et mobiliers, de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque mamelouke. Approches archéologiques, historiques et anthropologiques (led by IFAO) and is divided into three sections: bibliographic update (Bulletin); corrections and notes on already published texts (Corr.Lex.Mat.); specific contributions on the lexicography of material culture (Études).

  • Keywords:
  • Documentary papyri,
  • Greek Literature,
  • Ancient Christian Texts,
  • Lexicography,
  • Graeco-Roman Archaeology in Egypt,
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Simona Russo

University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3080-7441

Simona Russo is a researcher at the Papyrological Institute «G. Vitelli» of Florence. She is co-responsible of the Lexicographic section in the International Project Contextes et mobiliers, de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque mamelouke. Approches archéologiques, historiques et anthropologiques (led by IFAO). She is the author of two monographic studies on jewellery and footwear in papyri, and has published several documentary papyri.
  1. Alfarano (2020) = S. Alfarano, Lo spazio del banchetto nell’Egitto tardoantico: stibadia e convivia in contesti pubblici, privati e rituali. Continuità e trasformazione delle tipologie architettoniche, SEP 17 (2020), pp. 9-40.
  2. Allison (2015) = P. Allison, ‘Everyday’ Eating and Drinking in Roman Domestic Contexts, in A.A. Di Castro - C.A. Hope - B.E. Parr (edd.), Housing and Habitat in the Ancient Mediterranean. Cultural and Environmental Responses, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT) 2015 (Babesch. Suppl. 26), pp. 267-281.
  3. Andorlini (2004) = I. Andorlini, Un ricettario da Tebtynis: parti inedite di PSI 1180, in I. Andorlini (ed.), Testi medici su papiro. Atti del Seminario di studio (Firenze, 3-4 giugno 2002), Firenze 2004, pp. 81-118.
  4. Andrianou (2006) A = D. Andrianou, Chairs, Beds, and Tables. Evidence for Furnished Interiors in Hellenistic Greece, Hesperia 75.2 (2006), pp. 219-266.
  5. Andrianou (2006) B = D. Andrianou, Late Classical and Hellenistic Furniture and Furnishings in the Epigraphical Record, Hesperia 75.4 (2006), pp. 561-584.
  6. Antinoe cent’anni dopo (1998) = Antinoe cent’anni dopo. Catalogo della mostra. Firenze, Palazzo Medici Riccardi. 10 luglio - 1° novembre 1998, Firenze 1998.
  7. Bagnall - Cribiore (2006) = R.S. Bagnall - R. Cribiore, Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt, 300 BC - AD 800, Ann Arbor 2006.
  8. Baldini (2016) = I. Baldini, Gli spazi abitativi della famiglia tardoantica, in V. Neri - B. Girotti (edd.), La famiglia tardoantica. Società, diritto, religione, Milano 2016, pp. 145-169.
  9. Ballet (2020) = P. Ballet, Figurines et société de l’Égypte ptolémaïque et romaine, Paris 2020.
  10. Bastianini - Cavallo (2011) = G. Bastianini - G. Cavallo, Un nuovo frammento di lettera festale (PSI inv. 3779), in G. Bastianini - A. Casanova (edd.), I papiri letterari cristiani. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi in memoria di Mario Naldini, Firenze, 10-11 giugno 2010, Firenze 2011, pp. 31-45.
  11. Battaglia (1989) = E. Battaglia, ‘Artos’. Il lessico della panificazione nei papiri greci, Milano 1989.
  12. Beaucamp (1993) = J. Beaucamp, Organisation domestique et rôles sexuels: Les papyrus byzantins, DOP 47 (1993), pp. 185-194.
  13. Bonati (2016) = I. Bonati, Il lessico dei vasi e dei contenitori greci nei papiri. Specimina per un repertorio lessicale degli angionimi greci, Berlin - Boston 2016 (APF Beiheft 37).
  14. Bonneau (1974) = D. Bonneau, Les fêtes Amesysia, CdÉ 49, fasc. 98 (1974), pp. 366-379.
  15. Bonneau (1984-1985) = D. Bonneau, Les fêtes Amesysia et les jours épagomènes (d’après la documentation papyrologique et égyptologique), ASAE 70 (1984-1985), pp. 365-370.
  16. Bonneau (1993) = D. Bonneau, Le régime administratif de l’eau du Nil dans l’Égypte grecque, romaine et byzantine, Leiden - New York - Köln 1993.
  17. Bragantini - Sampaolo (2018) = I. Bragantini - V. Sampaolo, La pittura pompeiana, Milano 2018.
  18. Bresciani - Giammarusti (2018) = E. Bresciani - A. Giammarusti, Ipotesi sullo sviluppo urbano di Gia/Narmouthis/Medinet Madi, EVO 41 (2018), pp. 5-24.
  19. Cadell (1967) = H. Cadell, Nouveaux fragments de la correspondance de Kurrah ben Sharik, Recherches de Papyrologie 4 (1967), pp. 107-160.
  20. Calandra (2010) = E. Calandra, A proposito di arredi. Prima e dopo la tenda di Tolomeo Filadelfo, Lanx 5 (2010), pp. 1-38 online: <https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/lanx/index>.
  21. Camplani (2004) = A. Camplani, Coptic Fragments from a Festal Letter of the Late Sixth Century, in CoptCongr VII, pp. 317-327.
  22. Camplani (2003) = A. Camplani, Introduzione, in A. Camplani (ed.), Atanasio di Alessandria, Lettere festali; Anonimo, Indice delle lettere festali, Milano 2003 (Letture Cristiane del Primo Millennio 34), pp. 15-196.
  23. Camplani (1999) = A. Camplani, La prima lettera festale di Cirillo di Alessandria e la testimonianza di P.Vindob. K 10157, Augustinianum 39 (1999), pp. 129-138.
  24. Camplani - Martin (2000) = A. Camplani - A. Martin, Lettres festales et listes épiscopales dans l’église d’Alexandrie et d’Égypte, JJP 30 (2000), pp. 7-20.
  25. Cappelli (1992) = R. Cappelli (ed.), Bellezza e Lusso. Immagini e documenti di piaceri della vita, Roma 1992.
  26. Carlig (2020) = N. Carlig, Les rouleaux littéraires coptes de papyrus (ca. 300-VIIe siècle), in A. Boud’hors - E. Garel - C. Louis - N. Vanthieghem (edd.), Études coptes XVI. Dix-huitième journée d’études, Paris 2020, pp. 229-249.
  27. Chantraine (2009) = P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots. Avec un supplément rassemblé par A. Blanc - Ch. de Lamberterie - J.-L. Perpillou, Paris 2009.
  28. Choat (2013) = M. Choat, Monastic Letter Collections in Late Antique Egypt: Structure, Purpose, and Transmission, in S. Torallas Tovar - J.P. Monferrer-Sala (edd.), Cultures in Contact. Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean Context. Selected Papers, Beirut 2013, pp. 73-90.
  29. Clackson (1994) = S.J. Clackson, The Michaelides Manuscript Collection, ZPE 100 (1994), pp. 223-226.
  30. Clarysse - Orsini (2018) = W. Clarysse - P. Orsini, Christian Manuscripts from Egypt to the Times of Constantine, in J. Heilmann - M. Klinghardt (edd.), Das Neue Testament und sein Text im 2. Jahrhundert, Tübingen 2018, pp. 107-114.
  31. Daris (1991) = S. Daris, Il lessico latino nel greco d’Egitto, Barcelona 1991 (Estudis de Papirologia i Filologia Bíblica 2).
  32. Davoli (1998) = P. Davoli, L’archeologia urbana nel Fayyum di età ellenistica e romana, Napoli 1998 (Missione congiunta delle Università di Bologna e di Lecce in Egitto, Monografie 1).
  33. De Carolis (2007) = E. De Carolis, Il mobile a Pompei e Ercolano. Letti, tavoli, sedie e armadi, Roma 2007 (Studia Archaeologica 151).
  34. De Moor - Fluck (2009)= A. De Moor - C. Fluck (edd.), Clothing the house. Furnishing textiles of the 1st millennium AD from Egypt and neighbouring countries. Proceedings of the 5th conference of the research group ‘Textiles from the Nile Valley’. Antwerp, 6-7 October 2007, Tielt 2009.
  35. di Bartolo (2021) = G. di Bartolo, Studien zur griechischen Syntax dokumentarischer Papyri der römischen Zeit, Paderborn 2021 (Pap.Col. XLIV).
  36. Diethart (1988-1990) = J. Diethart, Lexikalisches in griechischen Papyri, Die Sprache 34 (1988-1990), pp. 190-194.
  37. Diethart (1998) = J. Diethart, Lexikographische Lesefrüchte. Bemer-kungen zu „Liddell-Scott”: „revised supplementum” 1996, ZPE 123 (1998), pp. 165-176.
  38. Diethart (1999) = J. Diethart, Lexikographische Lesefrüchte II. Weitere Bemerkungen zu „Liddell-Scott”: „Revised Supplement” 1996, ZPE 128 (1999), pp. 177-182.
  39. Diethart (2003) = J. Diethart, Lexikographische Lesefrüchte III. Weitere Bemerkungen zu „Liddell-Scott”, „Revised Supplement” 1996 und G. W. H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon, APF 48,1 (2002), pp. 147-155.
  40. Dobbins - Foss (2007) = J.J. Dobbins - P.W. Foss (edd.), The World of Pompeii, New York - London 2007.
  41. Douch I (1992) = F. Dunand - J.-L. Heim - N. Henein - R. Lichtenberg, Douch I. La Nécropole. Exploration archéologique. Monographie des tombes 1 à 72. Structures sociales, économiques, religieuses de l’Égypte romaine, Le Caire 1992 (IFAO. Documents de Fouilles 26).
  42. Douch V (2005) = F. Dunand - J.-L. Heim - N. Henein - R. Lichtenberg, Douch V. La Nécropole de Douch. Exploration archéologique II. Monographie des tombes 73 à 92. Structures sociales, économiques, religieuses de l’Égypte romaine, Le Caire 2005 (IFAO. Documents de fouilles de l’Ifao 45).
  43. Fluck - Helmecke - O’Connell (2015) = C. Fluck - G. Helmecke - E.R. O’Connell, Egypt. Faith after the Pharaohs, London 2015.
  44. Fournet (2006) = J.-L. Fournet, Inventaire(s) ou donation(s) d’églises (P. Strasb. copte inv. 644), in A. Boud’hors - J. Gascou - D. Vaillancourt (edd.), Études coptes IX. Onzième journée d’études (Strasbourg, 12-14 juin 2003), Paris 2006 (Cahiers de la Bibliothèque copte 14), pp. 155-165.
  45. Giacchero (1974) = M. Giacchero (ed.), Edictum Diocletiani et Collegarum de pretiis rerum venalium in integrum fere restitutum e Latinis Graecisque fragmentis, Genova 1974, I-II.
  46. Grassi (1926) = T. Grassi, Le liste templari nell’Egitto greco-romano secondo i papiri, Milano 1926 (Studi della Scuola Papirologica, IV.IV).
  47. Hofmann (1989) = H. Hofmann, Die lateinischen Wörter im Griechischen bis 600 n. Chr., Erlangen 1989 (Diss.).
  48. Husson (1983) = G. Husson, ΟΙΚΙΑ. Le vocabulaire de la maison privée en Égypte d’après les papyrus grecs, Paris 1983.
  49. Killen (1980) = G. Killen, Ancient Egyptian Furniture. Vol. I: 4000–1300 BC, Warminster 1980.
  50. Kloppenborg (2006) = J.S. Kloppenborg, The Tenants in the Vineyard. Ideology, Economics, and Agrarian Conflict in Jewish Palestine, Tübingen 2006 (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum NT 195).
  51. Konstantinidou (2016) = M. Konstantinidou, Festal Letters: Fragments of a Genre, in PapCongr XXVII, pp. 144-152.
  52. Kramer (1995) = J. Kramer, κράβατος, κραβάτιον und Verwandtes in den Papyri, APF 41,2 (1995), pp. 205-216.
  53. Jördens (1986) = A. Jördens, Teilpachtverträge aus dem Arsinoites, ZPE 65 (1986), pp. 107-122.
  54. Łajtar (2003) = A. Łajtar, The Inscription from Marina-El Alamein Commemorating the ΣΚΟΥΤΛΩΣΙΣ of ΣΤΙΒΑΔΕΣ. An Addendum, JJP 33 (2003), pp. 177-179.
  55. Łajtar (2001) = A. Łajtar, Two Architectural Terms: ΣΚΟΥΤΛΩΣΙΣ and ΣΤΙΒΑΣ in an Inscription from Marina/El-Alamein, JJP 31 (2001), pp. 59-66.
  56. Lauffer (1971) = S. Lauffer (ed.), Diokletians Preisedikt, Berlin 1971.
  57. Laurence - Wallace-Hadrill (1997) = R. Laurence - A. Wallace-Hadrill (edd.), Domestic Space in the Roman World: Pompeii and Beyond, Portsmouth (RI) 1997 (JRA Supplementary Series 22).
  58. Lavan - Swift - Putzeys (2007) = L. Lavan - E. Swift - T. Putzeys (edd.), Objects in Context, Objects in Use. Material Spatiality in Late Antiquity, Leiden - Boston 2007 (Late Antique Archaeology 5).
  59. Lucas - Harris (1962) = A. Lucas - J.H. Harris, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries, London 1962.
  60. MacCoull (2002-2003) = L.S.B. MacCoull, CPR IV 34 = P. Rain. Unterricht 112 = MPER XVIII 223 descr.: Aspects of the Training of a Bilingual Scribe, AnPap 14-15 (2002-2003), pp. 187-195.
  61. Marchetti (2014) = G. Marchetti (ed.), Il Vangelo nei mosaici di Ravenna, Ravenna 2014.
  62. Marinescu - Cox - Wachter (2007) = C.A. Marinescu - S.E. Cox - R. Wachter, Paideia’s Children: Childhood Education on a Group of Late Antique Mosaics, in A. Cohen - J.B. Rutter (edd.), Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy, Princeton (NJ) 2007 (Hesperia Supplement 41), pp. 101-114.
  63. Mazy (2022) = É. Mazy, Les fêtes en Égypte chrétienne (IVe-IXe siècles), Bruxelles (Thèse de l’Université libre de Bruxelles, da discutersi nel 2022).
  64. Merzagora (1929) = M. Merzagora, La navigazione in Egitto nell’età greco-romana, Aegyptus 10 (1929), pp. 105-148.
  65. Morelli (2019) = F. Morelli, I prezzi dei materiali e prodotti artigianali nei documenti tardoantichi e del primo periodo arabo (IV ex. – VIII d.C.), Berlin - Boston 2019 (MPER N.S. XXXIII).
  66. Mossakowska-Gaubert (2016) = M. Mossakowska-Gaubert, La papyrologie à la rencontre de l’archéologie: le lexique des mobiliers d’éclairage, in PapCongr XXVII, III, pp. 1533-1562.
  67. Moulton - Milligan (1930) = J.H. Moulton - G. Milligan, The vocabulary of the Greek Testament illustrated from the papyri and other non-literary sources, London 1930.
  68. Naldini (1968) = M. Naldini, Il Cristianesimo in Egitto. Lettere private nei papiri dei secoli II-IV, Firenze 1968.
  69. Nicholson - Shaw (2000) = P.T. Nicholson - I. Shaw (edd.), Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology, Cambridge 2000.
  70. Nickel (2003) = Archilochos. Gedichte, ed. R. Nickel, Düsseldorf - Zürich 2003.
  71. Orlandi (1981) = T. Orlandi, Due rotoli copti papiracei da Dublino (lettere di Horsiesi), in PapCongr XVI, pp. 499-508.
  72. Perpillou-Thomas (1993) = F. Perpillou-Thomas, Fêtes d’Égypte ptolémaïque et romaine d’après la documentation papyrologique grecque, Leuven 1993 (Studia Hellenistica 31).
  73. Perrone (2011) = S. Perrone, Back to the backstage: the papyrus P.Berol. 13927, Trends in Classics 3 (2011), pp. 126-153.
  74. Pesando (2006) = F. Pesando, La casa dei Greci, Milano 2006 (Biblioteca di Archeologia 11).
  75. Pesando (1987) = F. Pesando, Oikos e Ktesis. La casa greca in età classica, Roma 1987.
  76. Quenouille (2015) = N. Quenouille (ed.), Von der Pharaonenzeit bis zur Spätantike. Kulturelle Vielfalt im Fayum. Akten der 5. Internationalen Fayum-Konferenz, 29. Mai bis 1. Juni 2013, Leipzig, Wiesbaden 2015.
  77. Rathbone (2001) = D. Rathbone, Mapping the South-West Fayyum: Sites and Texts, in PapCongr XXII, II, pp. 1109-1117.
  78. Reekmans (1996) = T. Reekmans, La consommation dans les archives de Zénon, Bruxelles 1996 (Pap.Brux. 27).
  79. Reggiani (2018) = N. Reggiani, I papiri greci di medicina come fonti storiche: il caso dei rapporti dei medici pubblici nell’Egitto romano e bizantino, Aegyptus 98 (2018), pp. 107-130.
  80. Reil (1913) = Th. Reil, Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Gewerbes im hellenistischen Ägypten, Borna - Leipzig 1913.
  81. Ruffing (2008) = K. Ruffing, Die berufliche Spezialisierung in Handel und Handwerk. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Entwicklung und zu ihren Bedingungen in der römischen Kaiserzeit im östlichen Mittelmeerraum auf der Grundlage griechischer Inschriften und Papyri, Rahden (Westf.) 2008, I-II (Pharos. Studien zur griechisch-römischen Antike 24).
  82. Russo (2004) A = S. Russo, Δέρμα e scarpe di pelle, in Gedenkschrift Ulrike Horak (P.Horak), Firenze 2004 (Pap.Flor. XXXIV), II, pp. 437-447.
  83. Russo (2004) B = S. Russo, Le calzature nei papiri di età greco-romana, Firenze 2004 (Studi e Testi di Papirologia N.S. 2).
  84. Russo (2005) = S. Russo, Gli oggetti metallici nei παράφερνα, MBAH 24,2 (2005), pp. 213-241.
  85. Russo (1994) = S. Russo, Un letto tricliniare in P. Oxy. X 1277, in PapCongr XX, pp. 500-503.
  86. Schmelz (2002) = G. Schmelz, Kirchliche Amtsträger im spätantiken Ägypten nach den Aussagen der griechischen und koptischen Papyri und Ostraka, München - Leipzig 2002 (APF Beiheft 13).
  87. Schnebel (1925) = M. Schnebel, Die Landwirtschaft im hellenistischen Ägypten, München 1925 (Münch.Beitr. 7).
  88. Schram (2018) = V. Schram, L’arbre et le bois dans l’Égypte gréco-romaine, Paris (Thèse de Doctorat de l’Uni. de recherche Paris Sciences et Lettres. Préparée à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études) 2018.
  89. Schram (2017) = V. Schram, «They beat him with bronze files» (UPZ I 7). Le mot ξυϲτήρ et les différents types de «racloirs», APF 63,1 (2017), pp. 29-47.
  90. J.P. Sickinger, Demeas of Paros (502), in I. Worthington (ed.), Brill’s New Jacoby, <https://referenceworks.brillonline.com/entries/brill-s-new-jacoby/demeas-of-paros-502-a502?>.
  91. Stroppa (2019) = M. Stroppa, Early Christian Rolls, in C.A. Evans - J.J. Johnston (edd.), Scribes and Their Remains, London 2019, pp. 290-299.
  92. Swift, Archilochus = Archilochus: The Poems, ed. L. Swift, Oxford 2019.
  93. Thomas (1982) = J.D. Thomas, The epistrategos in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. Part 2. The Roman epistrategos, Opladen 1982 (Pap.Col. VI.2).
  94. Torallas Tovar (2018) = S. Torallas Tovar, Athanasius’ Letter to Dracontius: A 4th Century Coptic Translation in a Papyrus Roll (P.Monts.Roca inv. 14), Adamantius 24 (2018), pp. 43-59.
  95. Torallas Tovar (2021) = S. Torallas Tovar, Resisting the Codex: the Christian Use of the Roll in Late Antiquity, Early Christianity 12,1 (2021), pp. 61-84.
  96. Tsantsanoglou (2003) = K. Tsantsanoglou, Archilochus fighting in Thasos. Frr. 93a + 94 from the Sosthenes inscription, Hellenika 53 (2003), pp. 235-255.
  97. Ulrich (2007) = R.B. Ulrich, Roman Woodworking, New Haven - London 2007.
  98. Walker (et alii) (1997) = S. Walker - M. Bierbrier - P. Roberts - J. Taylor (edd.), Ancient Faces. Mummy Portraits from Roman Egypt, London 1997.
  99. Walker - Bierbrier (1997) = S. Walker - M. Bierbrier (edd.), Fayum. Misteriosi volti dall’Egitto, Roma 1997.
  100. West (1992) = M.L. West, Ancient Greek Music, Oxford 1992.
  101. West (1974) = M.L. West, Studies in Greek Elegy and Iambus, Berlin - New York 1974.
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Pages: 262
  • eISBN: 978-88-5518-573-8
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2022 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2022
  • eISBN: 978-88-5518-574-5
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2022 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Pages: 262
  • ISBN: 978-88-5518-572-1
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2022 Author(s)

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dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli» 14


Simona Russo

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Edizioni dell’Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli»

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