The volume presents the results of a research developed within a specific program of the European Union. The analysis conducted by Italian, French and Spanish scholars and coordinated by the Interuniversity Centre of Political Sociology of the University of Florence, reconstructs the training paths of the new generations within the social and economic context of Southern Europe, with particular regard to the condition of university students and to youth unemployment. The theme is also examined and discussed in relation to a broader sociological reflection on the values that shape the future of political culture in contemporary Europe.
University of Florence, Italy
Book Title
Giovani Jeunes Jovenes
Book Subtitle
Rapporto di ricerca sulle nuove generazioni e la politica nell'Europa del sud
Gianfranco Bettin Lattes
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
Copyright Information
© 2001 Author(s)
Content License
Metadata License
Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
eISBN (pdf)
eISBN (xml)
Series Title
Studi e saggi
Series ISSN
Series E-ISSN