In the postnational era, as scholars investigating the circulation of reciprocal knowledge between China and foreign countries, we are called to reconsider the relevance of national borders in our own research. This comes as a response to an extended demand to rethink the ties imposed by concepts such as nation, language and heritage in favour of essential inclusive sentiments of shared interests and belonging. This volume is the initial outcome of the research project The Mediterranean Through Chinese Eyes (MeTChE), which aims to investigate the perception and representation of the Mediterranean region in Chinese sources, conceptualising this ‘region among lands’ as a transcultural and debordered space, as advanced by contemporary Mediterranean Studies.
University of Palermo, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0003-3841-5386
Renata Vinci
Why Should We Look at Chinese Sources on the Mediterranean from a Transcultural Perspective?pp.11-24
Maurizio Paolillo
Following a Mediterranean Clue. A Reconsideration of the Sources About the Country of Haixi 海西國 (2nd–3rd Cent. CE)pp.25-37
Francesca Fariello
Μεσόγειος Θάλασσα (Mesogeios Thalassa) in the Reflection of Dizhonghai 地中海: Routes and Connections Between the Greek World and Chinapp.39-51
Margaret Kim
Princes and Paradise: Rabban Sauma in the Western Mediterraneanpp.69-78
Ileana Amadei
Wang Dayuan’s 汪大淵 Daoyi Zhilüe 島夷志略: Did the World Beyond Chinese Borders Stretch to Morocco?pp.79-89
Lara Colangelo
Roman Law in Late Qing and Early Republican Chinese Sources: A Founding Element of the Mediterranean and Western Civilisationpp.91-101
Miriam Castorina
The Mediterranean Island of Malta and Its Names in Chinese Sourcespp.103-116
Valentina Pedone
Afterword. The Mediterranean Sea in the Writings of Italian Chinese Immigrantspp.117-122
Book Title
Navigating the Mediterranean Through the Chinese Lens
Book Subtitle
Transcultural Narratives of the Sea Among Lands
Renata Vinci
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
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© 2024 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
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eISBN (pdf)
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Series Title
Studi e saggi
Series ISSN
Series E-ISSN