Atti delle «Settimane di Studi» e altri Convegni

The series collects the proceedings of the 'Settimane di Studi' (Study Weeks) of the 'F. Datini' International Institute of Economic History. The Institute, founded in 1967 on the initiative of Federigo Melis, immediately taken up by Fernand Braudel and an important group of scholars, is one of the leading international institutions working in the field of pre-industrial economic history.

 High-Quality Scholarly Publishing

Books in this Series
  • Edited Book

Reti marittime come fattori dell’integrazione europea / Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration

Edited by   Giampiero Nigro

Copyright year: 2019

  • Edited Book

Gestione dell'acqua in Europa (XII-XVIII Secc.) / Water Management in Europe (12th-18th centuries)

Edited by   Giampiero Nigro

Copyright year: 2018

  • Edited Book

I prezzi delle cose / The Prices of Things

Nell'età preindustriale / In Pre-industrial Times

Edited by   Giampiero Nigro

Copyright year: 2017

  • Edited Book

Le crisi finanziarie. Gestione, implicazioni sociali e conseguenze nell’età preindustriale / The Financial Crises. Their Management, Their Social Implications and Their Consequences in Pre-Industrial Times

Edited by   Giampiero Nigro

Copyright year: 2016

  • Edited Book

Il commercio al minuto. Domanda e offerta tra economia formale e informale. Secc. XIII-XVIII / Retail Trade. Supply and demand in the formal and informal economy from the 13th to the 18th century

Edited by   Giampiero Nigro

Copyright year: 2015

  • Edited Book

Schiavitù e servaggio nell’economia europea SECC. XI-XVIII / Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th-18 th Centuries

Atti della “Quarantacinquesima Settimana di Studi” 14-18 aprile 2013

Edited by   Simonetta Cavaciocchi

Copyright year: 2014

  • Edited Book

Assistenza e solidarietà in Europa Secc. XIII-XVIII / Social assistance and solidarity in Europe from the 13th to the 18th Centuries

Edited by   Francesco Ammannati

Copyright year: 2013

  • Edited Book

Religione e istituzioni religiose nell'economia europea. 1000-1800 - Religion and Religious Institutions in the European Economy. 1000-1800

Atti della "Quarantatreesima Settimana di Studi" 8-12 maggio 2011

Edited by   Francesco Ammannati

Copyright year: 2012

  • Edited Book

Dove va la storia economica? Metodi e prospettive. Secc. XIII-XVIII – Where is Economic History Going? Methods and Prospects from the 13th to the 18th Centuries

Edited by   Francesco Ammannati

Copyright year: 2011

  • Edited Book

Le interazioni fra economia e ambiente biologico nell'Europa preindustriale secc. XIII-XVIII. Economic and biological interactions in pre-industrial Europe from the 13th to the 18th centuries

Edited by   Simonetta Cavaciocchi

Copyright year: 2010

  • Edited Book

La famiglia nell'economia europea secoli XIII-XVIII. TheEconomic Role of the Family in the European Economy fromthe 13th to the 18th Centuries

Edited by   Simonetta Cavaciocchi

Copyright year: 2009

  • Edited Book

La fiscalità nell'economia europea secc. XIII-XVIII

Edited by   Simonetta Cavaciocchi

Copyright year: 2008

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