This is the first peer-reviewed and Open Access book series that covers all facets of the history of knowledge from the antiquity to contemporary world. The book series promotes new approaches to knowledges in their plural forms and with their multiple histories, giving special attention to the use of interdisciplinary methods and insights.
It focuses on concepts and theories of knowledge, styles of thought and mentalities, tacit knowledge, tools of knowledge, knowledge networks, translating knowledges, the knowledge management, knowledge societies, orders of knowledge, knowledge practices, situated knowledges and regimes of ignorance or errors.
Volumes containing monographs, collected works, texts of primary sources and proceedings of relevant conferences would be published under the same banner in a bid to ensure access to the latest research on the subject.
The series is aimed at intellectual historians as well as at scholars of history of knowledge, cultural studies, and manuscript and book studies. Target audience are also students of graduate and doctoral programs, particularly in intellectual history.
The studies contained in the volumes will explore new and pioneering areas of research. The meaning of knowledge is understood in a broad and strongly interdisciplinary sense, as reflected by the multiplicity of expertises of the series board members. A special focus will be given to narrating the development of a particular phenomenon.
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the series editors, and
All books published in the series undergo peer review.
The series fully supports Open Access publishing as an ideal tool for sharing ideas and knowledge in every research field with an open, collaborative and non-profit approach. Open Access books allow the research community to achieve a high research impact as well as rapid dissemination in any editorial form.
Volume 1
Edited by Marco Sgarbi
Copyright year: 2025
Marco Faini, Marco Sgarbi
Copyright year: 2023
Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning
Edited by Andrea Strazzoni, Marco Sgarbi
Copyright year: 2023
(books + Chapters)