
  • Open Access Series

The purpose of this series is to provide the basis for a dialogue for scholars mindful of social and environmental responsibility, in the process of creating spaces for interaction in the Mediterranean context. In the current situation, which favours the quantitative quality of a scholar’s scientific production, the series intends to affirm the values of reflection and careful research, by valuing time and the exchange of ideas. More specifically, the series aims to support young scholars in sharing works with a broader scope than an article in a scientific journal. The series is promoted by the Interdepartmental Research Unit 'Florence Accessibility Lab' of the University of Florence.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the series editor,

All books published in the series undergo peer review.

The series fully supports Open Access publishing as an ideal tool for sharing ideas and knowledge in every research field with an open, collaborative and non-profit approach. Open Access books allow the research community to achieve a high research impact as well as rapid dissemination in any editorial form.

 Scientific Board

 High-Quality Scholarly Publishing

Books in this Series
  • Monograph

Enhancing cultural and natural heritage as a lever for the regeneration of rural areas

The village of Bënjë, Southern Albania, as a case study

Antonio Laurìa, Francesco Alberti, Pietro Matracchi, Gabriele Paolinelli

Copyright year: 2024

  • Monograph

La fruizione inclusiva nel progetto di restauro: il caso degli anfiteatri romani

Percorsi di conoscenza e indirizzi metodologici

Luigi Cappelli

Copyright year: 2023

  • Monograph

Small Forgotten Places in the Hearth of Cities

On the residuality of public spaces in historical contexts: Florence as a case study

Antonio Laurìa, Luigi Vessella

Copyright year: 2021

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(books + Chapters)




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