The book analyses the history of the Jesuat congregation, highlighting the elements of connection and comparison with the social contexts, then describing the origin and the most ancient events of the female branch of the congregation, and the memory of the meeting between the "founder" of the Jesuats and the "foundress" of the Gesuate. The iconographic memory of the initiator of the congregation, Giovani Colombini, the collection of the lauds of the Jesuat Bianco da Siena, and the fortune of the 15th-century Life of Giovanni Colombini, written by Feo Belcari, are also investigated. Then the research reconstructs the constellation of groups, religious experiments and bearers of ideas and devotions that were linked to the Jesuats and, in particular, to the convents of Milan, Siena, Lucca, Venice and Rome and the sanctuaries managed by the congregation. The congregational sociability is analysed along its lines: the practice of work as pharmacists and the cultivation of spiritual friendships with prominent people such as the Countess of Guastalla, Lodovica Torelli. Finally, the erudite use of Colombini's Epistolario as a language text is studied. The volume closes with a documentary appendix on the Jesuat convent of Chiusi.
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-3706-0993
Paolo Nardi
Caterina Colombini e le origini della congregazione delle gesuatepp.41-56
Mattia Zangari
Caterina Colombini, o della cugina sedotta. Una ‘ricostruzione’ della figura di Caterina attraverso i testipp.57-71
Raffaele Argenziano
L’iconografia di Giovanni Colombini (1304-1367): fondatore dei gesuatipp.73-93
Mario De Gregorio
«Un arancio in gennaio». La Vita del beato Giovanni Colombini di Feo Belcari da racconto agiografico a testo di linguapp.117-131
Federico Corrubolo
Il Divino amore dalla mistica teologia del sec. XIV alla pietà romana del Settecentopp.135-158
Edoardo Rossetti
Giudizi universali. Reti devozionali e tensioni escatologiche attorno ai gesuati milanesipp.189-225
Lorenzo Manenti
Storia di un paradosso. Il mito di Giorgio Luti in Età Modernapp.267-281
Marco Biffi
Il ricettario gesuato lucchese del 1562: prime osservazioni linguistichepp.303-314
Giovanna Murano
Ludovica Torelli e lo Specchio interiore di fra’ Battista da Cremapp.315-337
Elisa Bruttini
Le Lettere del beato Colombini come esempio di dialetto senese secondo Giovan Girolamo Carlipp.341-358
Book Title
Le vestigia dei gesuati
Book Subtitle
L’eredità culturale del Colombini e dei suoi seguaci
Isabella Gagliardi
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
Copyright Information
© 2020 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
ISBN Print
eISBN (pdf)
Series Title
Fragmentaria. Studi di storia culturale e antropologia religiosa
Series ISSN
Series E-ISSN