The book deals from a medical history and ethical point of view with the relationship between the doctor and the healthcare workers-patient, and on the other side the patient. The author traces the evolution of this important relationship in the history of medicine: from a paternalistic relationship to patient self-determination. The focus of this relationship is linked to end-of-life with particular attention to taking care of patient in a very difficult period with full attention, with full dignity. The author’s choice of a multidisciplinary approach is very interesting to dealing with the different topics and the marked and continuous recourse to Medical Humanities about medical training and healthcare workers training is a new approach to relations with doctors, patients, healthcare workers and health institutions.
University of Siena, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0003-1593-6656
University of Siena
Davide Orsini
Il rapporto medico-paziente dall’antichità a oggi: la storia di un rapporto complessopp.17-65
Davide Orsini
Prendersi cura del paziente anche quando non è possibile guarirlopp.67-93
Chiara Mocenni, Elena Bargagli, Gioia Passarello, Giulio Natalello, Luca Luzzi, Carlo Valerio Bellieni, Monica Bocchia, Andrea Pozza, Ilaria Bertolucci, Davide Orsini
Umanizzazione delle cure, non solo macchine ma anche personepp.99-119
Giovanni Boniolo, Raffaella Campaner, Valentina Gazzaniga
Medical Humanities: una proposta interpretativa e didatticapp.121-136
Davide Orsini, Joseph Andrew Ostenson
Un progetto di ricerca per indagare cosa sanno gli studenti sul fine vita e quali strumenti acquisiscono nel corso degli studi per gestire un corretto rapporto con il pazientepp.137-140
Book Title
A fianco del paziente
Book Subtitle
Educare a prendersi cura del malato (anche negli ultimi giorni di vita)
Davide Orsini, Margherita Aglianó
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
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© 2024 Author(s)
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press, USiena Press
ISBN Print
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Series Title