The volume focuses on the importance and placement of alternative exchange practices in the 13th to 18th centuries, specifically examining goods and services used as means of payment in barter or in-kind transactions. Despite monetary theory emphasizing credit and real currency, coins or paper money did not prevent in-kind transactions. Barter isn’t merely a result of a lack of money, but rather an economic choice with diverse reasons, meanings, and consequences, found in both rural and urban areas. These alternative exchange methods go beyond mere stopgaps and impact all economic activities, from production to consumption.
University of Florence, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0001-6593-8954
Thomas Max Safley
Money and its alternatives in Early Modern extractive industry: The many media of exchange in mercury miningpp.27-45
Giulio Ongaro, Luca Mocarelli
In kind wages between city and countryside: Northern Italy in the Eighteenth Centurypp.47-76
Michela Barbot
Cedere dei beni al posto del denaro dovuto. La datio in solutum in Francia e Italia fra XVII e XVIII secolopp.77-92
Robert Braid
Alternative forms of remuneration at the Holy Spirit Hospital of Marseille in the Fourteenth centurypp.93-119
Thijs Lambrecht, Joke Verfaillie, Tom de Waele
Lords, Peasantries and the remuneration of labour services in the Southern Low Countries, 13th-18th centuriespp.121-138
Natacha Coquery
Guerre, dirigisme, approvisionnement. Les marchandises de luxe, monnaie d’échanges alternative sous la Terreurpp.139-169
Francine Michaud
Alternative currencies and quality of life in Late Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-century Marseille: Negotiating labour in times of turmoilpp.171-189
Fabrizio Alias
Uso e diffusione della ‘moneta alternativa’ in Sardegna tra XI e XIV secolopp.193-218
Francesco Guidi Bruscoli
‘Wherever they consider it more profitable, for cash, baratto or credit’. Florentine merchants and the export of silk cloth (15th-16th centuries)pp.219-235
Ludwig Pelzl, Jaco Zuijderduijn
Or do you prefer cash? Pensions in kind in pre-modern Germany and the Low Countriespp.237-255
Jean-Luc de Meulemeester, Pierre-David Kusman
Honour, social capital and alternative currencies: the “leisting” custom in the cities of the Late Medieval Low Countries and Rhinelandpp.257-290
Matthieu Scherman
Les Salviati et le troc monétarisé: des pratiques courantes au XVe siècle entre la Méditerranée et le Nord-Ouest de l’Europepp.291-302
Nenad Fejic
An apparent paradox: wool as an alternative currency for merchants and weavers in Dubrovnik (Ragusa) in the 15th centurypp.325-336
Lisa Caliste, Catherine Verna
Pratiques du troc, industries et stratégies individuelles (Lodévois et Vallespir, XVe siècle-vers 1550)pp.337-355
Rachele Scuro
Perle, gioie e pegni. Il ruolo dei preziosi nel mercato del credito e degli scambi nella Venezia cinquecentescapp.357-390
William Caferro
Alternate currencies, bills of exchange and warfare in Trecento Italypp.391-408
Corine Maitte
La part des anges? Les rémunérations en nature entre truck system et considération socialepp.409-429
Judicaël Petrowiste
Des poêles, des chaudrons et des couvertures. Payer son impôt par des objets dans le bourg de Najac (1258-1273)pp.431-451
Alexandra Sapoznik, Lluís Sales i Favà
Wax, cash and the mass. Making candles affordable in late medieval economiespp.455-574
Tim Soens, Cécile Bruyet
Alternative Food Supplies, Alternative Currencies? Food deliveries by tenant farmers in the late medieval Low Countriespp.475-504
Julie Claustre
Les monnaies alternatives à Paris au XVe siècle, d’après les transactions d’un atelier de couturepp.505-518
Alejandra Irigoin
Respondentia: The alternative contract for global trade finance in the Early Modern periodpp.519-544
Book Title
Mezzi di scambio non monetari. Merci e servizi come monete alternative nelle economie dei secoli XIII-XVIII / Alternative currencies. Commodities and services as exchange currencies in the monetarized economies of the 13th to 18th centuries
Angela Orlandi
Peer Reviewed
Number of Pages
Publication Year
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Publisher Name
Firenze University Press
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Series Title
Datini Studies in Economic History
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