
Ljósvetninga saga / Saga degli abitanti di Ljósavatn

  • Ruben Gavilli,

This volume offers the first Italian translation of Ljósvetninga saga, composed in the thirteenth century, belonging to the genre of íslendigasögur, the “sagas of the Icelanders”. The volume contextualizes the work in the Medieval Icelandic literature’s framework and offers an overlook at philological issues, such as, for example, the relationship between the existing manuscripts and the genesis of the saga. In addition, the volume also provides a literary analysis of the style, characters and text, based on some of the recent academic studies. The Ljósvetninga saga tells the story of the continuous struggles between two families in Northern Iceland for supremacy over the territory: through the extensive references to legal practices, it remains a precious example of medieval Icelandic culture.

  • Keywords:
  • Old Norse,
  • Iceland,
  • Saga,
  • Guðmundr,
  • Íslendigasögur,
  • Ljósavatn,
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Ruben Gavilli

University of Milan, Italy

Ruben Gavilli graduated in Scandinavian Literature at the State University of Milan in 2021, with a thesis on the travels to the East in Norse literature. Among his interests are Germanic philology and Medieval Nordic Studies in particular.
  1. Andersson, Theodore M. 1994. “The Literary Prehistory of Eyjafjǫrðr.” In Samtíðarsögur / The Contemporary Sagas. Níunda alþjóðlega fornsagnaþingið / The Ninth International Saga Conference. Akureyri 31.7-6.8 1994, ed. by Sverrir Tómasson, 2 vols., 16-30. Reykjavík: Stofnun Árna Magnússonar.
  2. Andersson, Theodore M. 2006. The Growth Of The Medieval Icelandic Sagas (1180-1280). Ithaca-New York: Cornell University Press. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0254.2007.00217_1.x
  3. Andersson, Theodore M., e William I. Miller. 1989. Law and Literature in Medieval Iceland: Ljósvetninga saga and Valla-Ljóts saga. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  4. Axel Kristinsson. 2009. “The Revered Outlaw. Gísli Súrsson and the Sturlungs.” The CAHD Papers 4: 1-12 <> (01/2022).
  5. Björn Sigfússon, ed. 1940. Ljósvetninga saga með þattum. Reykdæla saga ok víga skútu. Hreiðars þattr. Reykjavík: Hið Íslenzka Fornritafélag.
  6. Byock, Jesse. 1993. Feud in the Icelandic Saga. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  7. Callow, Chris. 2017. “Dating and Origins.” In The Routledge Research Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, ed. by Ármann Jakobsson, and Sverrir Jakobsson, 15-33. Abingdon-New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315613628
  8. Cleasby, Richard, and Guðbrand Vigfússon. 1874 (1869). An Icelandic-English Dictionary. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  9. Clunies Ross, Margaret. 2010. The Cambridge Introduction to the Old Norse-Icelandic Saga. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511763274
  10. Ferrari Fulvio. 2019. “Età vichinga e Medioevo (ca 800-1520).” In Storia delle letterature scandinave, ed. by Massimo Ciaravolo. Milano: Iperborea.
  11. Gísli Sigurðsson. 2005 (2004). “Orality and Literacy in the Sagas of Icelanders.” In A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture, ed. by Rory McTurk, 285-301. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1002/9780470996867.ch17
  12. Helgi Þorláksson. 2005 (2004). “Historical Background: Iceland 870-1400.” In A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture, ed. by Rory McTurk, 136-154. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. DOI: 10.1002/9780470996867.ch9
  13. Hermann, Pernille. 2013. “Saga Literature, Cultural Memory, and Storage.” Scandinavian Studies 85, 3: 332-354. DOI: 10.5406/scanstud.85.3.0332
  14. Sävborg, Daniel. 2017. “Style.” In The Routledge Research Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, ed. by Ármann Jakobsson, and Sverrir Jakobsson, 111-126. Abingdon-New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781315613628
  15. Tirosh, Yoav. 2014. “*The Fabulous Saga of Guðmundr inn ríki. Representation of Sexuality in Ljósvetninga saga.” Unpublished MA-thesis. University of Iceland.
  16. Tirosh, Yoav. 2019. “On the Receiving End. The Role of Scholarship, Memory and Genre in Constructing Ljósvetninga saga.” PhD diss., University of Iceland.
  17. Véstinn Ólason. 1973. “Concentration of Power in 13th Century Iceland and its Ref lection in Some Íslendigasögur.” In Fornsögurnar og íslenskt miðaldaþjóðfélag / The Sagas and Society. Alþjóðlegt fornsagnaþing / The Second International Saga Conference, Reykjavík 2-8 ágúst 1973, ed. by Jónas Kristjánsson, 2 vols., 1-16. Reykjavík: University of Iceland.
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Pages: 170
  • eISBN: 978-88-5518-569-1
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2022 Author(s)

  • Publication Year: 2022
  • eISBN: 978-88-5518-582-0
  • Content License: CC BY 4.0
  • © 2022 Author(s)

Bibliographic Information

Book Title

Ljósvetninga saga / Saga degli abitanti di Ljósavatn


Ruben Gavilli

Peer Reviewed

Publication Year


Copyright Information

© 2022 Author(s)

Content License

CC BY 4.0

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CC0 1.0

Publisher Name

Firenze University Press



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Series Title

Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna

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